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  • All in a Dream

    All in a Dream The mystery of Dreams What are dreams? They are to me a mystery. When we go to bed and relax and go into deep sleep, that is if we are lucky, then a new kind of life, purely mental starts. In which there is no time. I mean by this that […]

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Two Hundred Years Ago

All in a Dream

All in a Dream

The mystery
Dreams What are dreams? They are to me a mystery. When we go to bed and relax and go into deep sleep, that is if we are lucky, then a new kind of life, purely mental starts. In which there is no time. I mean by this that past events and future predictions are not distinguished from each other or organized in an orderly manner. Here one sees people— some are dead, others alive but miles away, and one talks to them and laughs together, and after a few hours one wakes up and all was a dream. But we cannot be sure that the dream had no effect on us because sometimes for no apparent reason one feels sad or happy, tired or relaxed, or one becomes depressed and wants to cry. I admitted from the beginning it is a mystery. Even a dream interpreter has no further explanation, as he may interpret the events one sees in the dream and make them a meaningful story, but he does not pretend to know the nature of the dream. For him also a dream is a mystery.

The following is an account of what I recall of a dialogue that took place in a dream I had and which left me with the impression that I had seen it all before. Although I usually do not attach much importance to dreams, because they most of the time mean something quite different from the stories they depict, and in general are difficult to understand, I do admit there are true dreams in one’s life. There are dreams that stand out and faithfully predict the future but which become identified as true dreams only when they materialize or have connection in one way or another with one’s life. But the scene that happens in a twinkling of an eye may take years or decades and be completely forgotten before it wakes one up again and shows itself to be a true dream.

The intriging factor in the dream I am going to recount to you is that I was conversing with an intelligent identity that did not show its face or shape but was asking good questions the answers to which generated further pertinent questions. What surprises me is that many parts of the arguments of the discussion were completely new to me, and they are fascinating and very interesting and I find them worthy of further exploration and analysis, but at some later time so that I do not mix my dream and my studies.

Another interesting aspect is that the discussion was conducted calmly but with passion, in simple words that were elegant and with clear ideas logically following each other. The questions were very sincere in their seeking of valid answers, and in their eagerness to know.
What is the reason of the change which happens between one spring and another?

I thought for a moment and it occurred to me that the answer should explain that change is for marking the passage of time, or in other words the process of aging, which a moment of meditation indicates is essentially a transformation in the shape and outer characteristics of the matter but without change of its nature. A tree from the time it develops roots and grows, to the time it flourishes and gives its fruit, till it loses its leaves and drops victim to insects, woodpeckers and other predators remains in nature a tree despite the changes that have occurred in its shape and form.
Now it goes back to its original components of dust that earlier its roots sucked from mother earth and with which it built up its trunk, branches, leaves, flowers, and fruit. During its final stage it gives seeds that will grow the same way as it did and keep life advancing. All that analysis and thinking does not take more than a twinkling of an eye in a dream.

With every change is there not some difficulties of adaptation?
As we all know the easy life does not produce heroes. A hero, by definition, is someone who overcame difficulties in his life without breaking down, and his heroism is proportionally graded in accordance with the number as well as the complication of the difficulties he or she surmounted.

Who is in control of these changes?
These changes are under the surveillance of a greater power which regulates their functions and effects in well measured parts and working in harmony, in a similar way the members of the human body are controlled by mental power and capacity.
When I was teaching in Africa I was present at a traditional native ceremony in a remote village, during which according to the local cult a cock with specific qualities had to have its head chopped off. The beautiful healthy rooster made its appearance in the middle of a circle of people, looking at the people and walking proudly a few steps here and a few steps there, and nibbling a few grains from the ground, until the magician of the village came in his special customary clothes made of straw and chopped off its head. At that moment the cock immediately lost all control over the rest of its body. It fell down. It got up. It went to the right and to the left, all in a disorganized manner that contrasted with its previously proud and arrogant movements.
This is the function of the brain or the mental power: to keep the parts working as a whole in harmony and solidarity, often without the person being aware of it. However, if one part of the body is wounded, the rest of the body feels the hurt and may swell or have fever until the body regains its well-being.
It is important to take note of the reciprocal function between the body and the function of the brain. When the mental power of the human being is weakened for some reason, such as a hangover, the members of his body lose proportionally their coordination. Reversely, the mind of a body that is hindered by a severe pain or afflicted by fever, cannot be expected to concentrate and solve complicated problems, as does a mind in a healthy conditions.
Does a controller exist in the real natural world?
This question brings back to my memory a joke I heard from a friend. It was the habit of the people to call on a cleric from time to time to bless their homes. Following the custom, this man asked for this service, and a cleric came and went through the building with prayers and scent, and other rites. When he opened the door of the back patio and saw the beauty of the garden and the order of the flowers and the harmony of their colours, he turned to the man and told him, You and God did a wonderful job. The man answered him: You should have seen it when God was working it alone.
Although we know this was a joke, it is very meaningful, in that the human being seems to consider his intelligent invention and creative work superior in importance than the work of nature that he views as bereft of intelligence. Thus, the homeowner disregarded the miraculous power that make dust into flowers with different colours and big trees to shelter them until they grow. He forgot the timely rain and rays of the sun, and for him this was insignificant compared to the several lines he had drawn on the ground.
At any rate, the existence of the huge garden on earth with its forests, seas and mountains is sufficient demonstration of a power that intelligently controls all the changes that are happening, whether in in the body of various societies or in the thinking of people, neither of which escapes the process of change.